Creating veneers out of dental bonding is a technique that
has been around since the 1960's. In the hands of a skillful
dentist dental composite can be used to create beautiful and
natural looking veneers.
Composite veneers cover the facial surface
of teeth to change tooth colour, position or shape. Addition
of composite to tooth structure can be used to increase the
tooth size or to alter the appearance or shape of a tooth.
Blending composite colour to tooth colour is achieved by proper
composite selection, placement and preparation design.
Caries, defective restorations and weak tooth structure
are removed. Diamond burs shape remaining tooth structure
to accept composite by leaving a rough surface for improved
bond strengths.
Enamel and dentin bonding provides strength to hold composite
onto tooth structure. Removal of caries often creates areas
of mechanical retention.
Composite is shaped as close to final contours as possible
and light cured.
Shaping and polishing is done with burs, sandpaper disks,
rubber wheels, points, cups, and polishing pastes.
Some advantages of composite veneers are:
• Dental veneers made using cosmetic bonding (dental
composite) usually cost less than porcelain veneers.
• Dental composite veneers are placed in just one
visit whereas porcelain veneers require two appointments.
• Dental composite veneers can be repaired if they
break.Unlike porcelain veneers, if a dental composite veneer
does chip or break , it can usually be repaired. And in most
cases it can probably be repaired by just patching the dental
bonding in that portion of the veneer where the fracture has
occurred, as opposed to replacing the entire veneer.
Disadvantages of composite veneers:
• Although repair is easier with dental composite
veneers, their need for maintenance might be greater than
with porcelain veneers. Lying at the core of dental composite
composition is a plastic. And although manufactures do add
components to their composites that significantly enhance
their wear resistance, wear still does occur. A person may
notice that over time the outline shape of their composite
veneer has changed (especially on its biting edge) due to
wear. In comparison porcelain is relatively more wear resistant,
and therefore one would expect a porcelain veneer to hold
its original outline form better over the long term.
• Dental bonding will typically stain over time. Composite
veneers have a tendency to stain. The entire veneer
may become discoloured or else just portions of it. At times
it might be possible that the surface of the veneer can be
polished so as to reinstate its original appearance. In other
instances it may be needed to reduce the entire face of the
veneer and then resurface it with a new layer of tooth bonding.
The occurrence of staining is often associated with the use
of coffee, tea, cola, and tobacco products.