might a person require a tooth extraction?
You may need to have a tooth extracted for any one of a number
of reasons. Some teeth are extracted because they are severely
decayed, others because they have suffered the effects of
advanced periodontal disease ("gum disease"). Some
teeth need to be extracted because they have broken in a fashion
that makes it impossible to repair them. Teeth may need to
be removed because they are positioned in the mouth inappropriately
(such as impacted wisdom teeth), or else in preparation for
orthodontic treatment ("braces").
What are "wisdom teeth"?
"Wisdom teeth" are a type of molar. Molars are
the chewing teeth found furthest in the back of the mouth.
Most humans have first, second, and third molars.
A person's third molars are their wisdom teeth. These teeth
come in behind the 2nd molars (if there is room for them and
they are aligned properly) usually during a person's late
teens or early twenties. Usually there are four wisdom teeth:
upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right.
What are "impacted teeth"?
In dental terminology an "impacted tooth" refers
to a tooth that has failed to emerge fully into its expected
position. This failure to erupt properly may occur either
because there is not room enough in the jaw for the tooth,
or because the angulations of the tooth is improper.
Why might a wisdom tooth be impacted?
A primary cause of wisdom tooth impaction is simply that
there is inadequate jawbone space behind the person's second
molar. Why this lack of space exists is not fully understood,
however there does seem to be a correlation between large
tooth size, tooth crowding, and the presence of impacted wisdom
What is Pericoronitis?
Pericoronitis is an infection surrounding a wisdom tooth.
The term pericoronitis specifically refers to an infection
located in the tissues that surround a tooth that has not
fully emerged through the gums and into its proper position
i.e. is "partially erupted".
This means that if just a portion of a wisdom tooth has poked
its way through the gums an opening will have been created
that connects the space that lies between the gums and the
crown of the submerged wisdom tooth Dental plaque will accumulate
in this space and, unfortunately, there is no way for a person
to effectively clean it out. As a result from time to time
the bacteria contained in the dental plaque can cause an active
infection, which then spreads to the tissues surrounding the
wisdom tooth. leading to pericoronitis.
What are the signs of Pericoronitis ?
The signs of pericoronitis are tenderness and swelling in
the gums surrounding a wisdom tooth. There can also be severe
pain, an unpleasant mouth odor, and even a bad taste coming
from the infected area.